
The public methods of the Periphery contract

addLiquidity : Provides two-sided liquidity to the primary pool.

removeLiquidity : Removes liquidity from the primary pool.

swapExactTokensForTokens : Swap an exact amount of one ERC20 tokens (_token0) for another one (_token1).

swapTokensForExactTokens : Swap an amount of one ERC20 tokens (_token0) for an exact amount of another one (_token1).

swapExactETHForTokens : Swap an exact amount of ether for an ERC20 token (_token1).

swapTokensForExactETH : Swap an amount of one ERC20 tokens (_token0) for an exact amount of ether.

swapExactTokensForETH : Swap an exact amount of one ERC20 token (_token0) for ether.

swapETHForExactTokens : Swap an amount of ether for an exact amount of ERC20 tokens (_token1).

Last updated