
The public methods of the Core contract

lpFee : Returns the fee used for liquidity providers.

changeLpFee : Changes the LP fee of the Core contract. Only the owner of the Core contract can call this function.

infinityNFTFee : Returns the fee used for INFT holders.

changeInfinityNFTFee : Changes the INFT fee of the Core contract. Only the owner of the Core contract can call this function.

getTotalFee : Returns the total fee of the Core contract for swaps and burns.

getPools : Returns the pool addresses for two ERC20 tokens.

initializeDex : Initializes the Xfai DEX. initializeDex creates the seed pool for the DEX. Only the owner of the Core contract can call this function.

pause : Pauses any function that can change the state of a pool within Dexfai. Only the owner of the Core contract can call this function.

swap : Swaps one hosted ERC20 token for another hosted ERC20 token. This low-level function should be called from a contract which performs important safety checks.

flashLoan : Enables users to request flash loans from Dexfai.

mint : Performs two-sided liquidity provisioning and mints in return LP tokens for a given pool. The amount of LP tokens minted depend on the amount of _token0 and _token1 provided. This low-level function should be called from a contract which performs important safety checks.

burn : Burns existing LP tokens for a given pool. The amount of _token0 and _token1 returned depend on the amount of LP tokens burned and on the reserves & weights of pool0 & pool1. This low-level function should be called from a contract which performs important safety checks.

skim : Forces the token balance of a pool to match its reserves.

sync : Forces the reserves of a pool to match its token balance.

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